The Los Angeles (LASTC), Orange County (OCSTC), and San Diego (STC-SD) chapters are now STCSoCal!

The administrative councils of the Southern California chapters proposed to merge. This proposal was submitted to the members of the respective chapters, who overwhelmingly approved the merger.

The STC Board of Directors approved the merger at the August 2024 board meeting.

Results of the Chapter Vote

Of the 18 members eligible to vote, 12 cast their ballots between June 28 and July 10. This represents two-thirds of the voting membership and, thus, a quorum was met. All 12 of the ballots cast were in favor of moving forward with a merger with the Los Angeles and San Diego chapters.

Members of the Los Angeles and San Diego chapters also voted and approved the proposal to merge the three chapters.

Next Steps

The council members of the respective chapters will convene to discuss next steps and iron out financial details.

Chapter Merger Background

There are many positive reasons for a merger. Merging chapters lets us concentrate our resources (and our limited volunteers) without unnecessary duplication. Merging chapters enables us to focus our efforts on how to help our members thrive in the face of technological, economic, and environmental change. Merging will help us focus on developing more robust remote meeting capabilities. Merging will provide new opportunities for networking. Merging will help us do all these things with our limited membership and volunteers.

Presentations and Networking

We, as a combined chapter, will continue to provide educational events through Zoom. Hopefully, with a wider audience and pooled resources, we will attract top speakers. We will also host regional networking events around Southern California.

Voting Information

Ballots were sent to all current members (as of June 14) of the respective chapters on Friday, June 21. Each chapter was responsible for gathering the votes of its members. Members who belong to more than one chapter received a ballot from each chapter and could vote in each election.

Voting concluded Wednesday, July 10.

Had the membership of a chapter voted the proposed merger down, the chapter would have been forced to secure enough volunteers to continue on its own or could have been forced to dissolve and turn its assets over to STC. We recently contacted every member individually asking for volunteers before considering a merger.

Proposed Chapter Name

Tentatively, we're calling the merged chapter Southern California (STCSoCal), but we're open to other suggestions.

Further Information

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