Anet Gambina and Jennifer Morse Present "Document Migration to MadCap Flare"

From February 20, 2018 6:00 pm until February 20, 2018 8:30 pm
Posted by Administrator
Categories: Chapter Meeting
Hits: 3256

Registration closes at 11pm on Saturday, 2/17. 

Presentation Description

Anet Gambina, Software Technical Writer at AAG, shares how Flare helped her company centralize documentation and training resources to provide company-wide access to support staff and users. From this experience, she will share the challenges of migrating existing content, valuable lessons learned, invaluable resources and how Flare has gained acceptance companywide.

Whether you're a current Flare user, or just interested in learning more about the latest tools and technology in tech comm, this presentation is for you! We look forward to sharing how MadCap Flare can modernize your documentation workflow.

To learn more about MadCap, go to

Location and Parking

7 Hutton Centre Dr.
Santa Ana, California 92707-5794

There is another DoubleTree hotel nearby, so it’s easy to accidentally go to the wrong location if you do a search for “DoubleTree” on your phone, instead of searching for the exact address!

The DoubleTree Club offers complimentary valet parking. If you prefer to self-park, tell the valet that you’re at the hotel for an OCSTC meeting, and ask if you can park yourself.