Kit Brown-Hoekstra presents "So, You Want to be Your Own Boss"

From February 21, 2023 6:00 pm until February 21, 2023 7:45 pm
Posted by Administrator
Categories: Chapter Meeting
Hits: 987

Dreaming of being self-employed? Want to unleash your entrepreneurial spirit? Join us for this introductory workshop on becoming self-employed. You will learn some of the nuts and bolts of getting started with your own small business:

  • Reflecting on your strengths and vision
  • Designing your elevator pitch
  • Understanding the basics
  • Planning and marketing
  • Troubleshooting

About the speaker

Katherine (Kit) Brown-Hoekstra is an STC Fellow, former Society President, and award-winning consultant, much of it working with life sciences companies and localization teams. As Principal of Comgenesis, LLC, Kit provides consulting and training to her clients on a variety of topics, including internationalization, localization, content strategy, and content operations. She speaks at conferences worldwide and publishes regularly in industry magazines. Recently, Kit has been exploring the concepts of conscious leadership and the techniques of appreciative inquiry. She coauthored a book on managing virtual teams and edited "The Language of Localization" for the Content Wrangler and XML Press. Her blog is


Pay what you can! The suggested donation is $10, but you're welcome to join us no matter what you contribute.

Meeting format

We'll keep things casual during this virtual event:

  • Network with each other and learning about job opportunities
  • Announce chapter news from OCSTC and surrounding chapters
  • Learn from our guest speaker with room for a Q&A at the end
  • Have fun!

How to join

You'll need to register for this event before the deadline. The day before the meeting or the morning of, you will get a Zoom meeting URL with a password emailed to the email address you used to register. 

Video is optional but encouraged.
Wearing earbuds or a headset is also highly recommended.

Visit to learn more about the video conferencing tool.