Linda Oestreich Presents "Speed Editing"

From October 15, 2019 6:00 pm until October 15, 2019 8:30 pm
Posted by Administrator
Categories: Chapter Meeting
Hits: 1749

Registration closes at 11pm on Saturday, 10/12. 

About the Presentation

Linda will share some basic tips and tricks for getting the most bang for your editing buck! How to make the biggest difference in the smallest amount of time, with minuscule support. She will share some tips and tricks so you’ll be ready for that rush job that is needed in a fraction of the time you need to do a decent job, such as: 
  • What tools and tricks can you have at the ready so you can still provide value? 
  • Think about your rush job like a race.  
  • What would you do to be race ready?  
  • How can you give the best quality possible when you haven’t the time to make it perfect?  
 Come to the session and find out. Work smart, have heart, and show your worth!

About Linda Oestreich 

Linda teaches editing classes for UCSD Extension and does occasional writing and editing through individual contracts. She is an STC Fellow and a past President of the Society. A graduate of UCSD, she spent the majority of her career as a project manager, people manager, or senior writer /editor for the Department of Defense and various software, oil and gas, and consulting firms. She also worked in Human Resources and Training and Development. She currently volunteers for the San Diego Library READ program, tutoring adults to read.   


OCSTC meetings follow the schedule below. We encourage all attendees to arrive by 6pm to do some informal networking (regardless of whether or not your ticket includes dinner). Bring business cards and a smile! 

  • 6pm to 6:45pm: Informal networking
  • 6:45pm to 7pm: OCSTC Administrative Council announcements
  • 7pm to 7:15pm: Break
  • 7:15pm-8:30pm: Presentation, Q&As, Wrap-Up


Ticket Type  Description Price
 Member  STC member; dinner and coffee service included  $27
 Nonmember  Not a member of STC; dinner and coffee service included  $31
 Student  Current student; dinner and coffee service included  $20
 Member ONLY, Speaker Only STC member; coffee service included  $12
 Nonmember, Speaker Only Not a member of STC; coffee service included  $15

Location and Parking


7 Hutton Centre Dr.
Santa Ana, California 92707-5794

There is another DoubleTree hotel nearby, so it’s easy to accidentally go to the wrong location if you do a search for “DoubleTree” on your phone, instead of searching for the exact address!

The DoubleTree Club offers complimentary valet parking. If you prefer to self-park, tell the valet that you’re at the hotel for an OCSTC meeting, and ask if you can park yourself.