Technical Editing: The Foundation of a Quality Product

From March 07, 2020 9:30 am until March 07, 2020 1:30 pm
Posted by Administrator
Categories: Chapter Meeting
Hits: 2483

Registration closes at 11:59pm on Thursday 3/05

About the Saturday Workshop

The queen of speed editing, Linda Oestreich, has returned to host a workshop.

Learn how you can survive in a world where technical editing often is ignored and devalued, how to be seen as a professional, and how to add value to your company while you maintain integrity, skills, and passion for your work.

The workshop includes discussions and exercises to help you embrace levels and types of edit, toolbox contents, attitudes for success, Quick overview of copy and comprehensive edits, and basic principles that we’ve often forgotten. Editing is all about quality in a product. Learn how to do it better, sell it to your bosses and clients, and be proud of the job you do.

About Linda


Linda Oestreich Presents "Speed Editing"

Linda teaches editing classes for UCSD Extension and does occasional writing and editing through individual contracts. She is an STC Fellow and a past President of the Society. A graduate of UCSD, she spent the majority of her career as a project manager, people manager, or senior writer /editor for the Department of Defense and various software, oil and gas, and consulting firms. She also worked in Human Resources and Training and Development. She currently volunteers for the San Diego Library READ program, tutoring adults to read.   


As a courtesy to our presenter, we will refrain from food service during the workshop. Please arrive on time so that you can enjoy your brunch before the workshop.

  • 9:30am to 10:00am: Brunch and check-in/registration begins promptly
  • 10:00am to 10:15am: Plates removed, announcements, and break
  • 10:15am: Workshop begins
  • TBD: Break (15 min)
  • 1:30pm: Workshop concludes,Q&As, Wrap-Up


Ticket Type  Description Price
 Member $30 STC member; brunch and coffee service included  $30
 Nonmember $35 Not a member of STC; brunch and coffee service included  $35
 Student and Job Seekers $20 Current student or job seeker; brunch and coffee service included  $20
Speaker Only $15 Members or non-members; no brunch, but coffee service is included  $15

Brunch Options

We will be serving a buffet-style brunch based on a few selections from the brunch menu. Visit the menu below for a preview of what may be served:

Location and Parking

City parking garage
Third and SycamoreChapterOne in Santa Ana
Average rate is $1.50 per hour for parking 

Metered parking is also available at your own risk. 
Vallet is also available near by for a fee.

Chapter One
227 North Broadway
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 352-2225