TBD - Spring cleaning - Working Wardrobes Accessory Drive
Due to the COVID-19 situation, the clothing drive from the OCSTC will be postponed till further notice. If you're interested in pursing this cause independently, feel free to visit https://workingwardrobes.org/.
Help Rebuild Working Wardrobes
The OCSTC will host an accessories drive in the near future. Woring Wardrobes has asked that our drive be put on hold until they open their new location in May (date TBD).
As you begin your spring cleaning, we ask that you hang on to your accessories and bring them to a future OCSTC chapter meeting when we set a date. We anticipate the Working Wardrobes accessories drive to take place some time around May of this year.
Keep an eye out for our future events as we will note details of the drive in the event description in the near future.
Accessories should be in good condition. Consider the condition of the items to be something you'd feel comfortable giving your friend.
Items needed consist of the following:
-Dress shoes - Men and women
-Full-sized toiletries
Gift Cards in the following amounts:
-Stater Brothers $25.00
-Gas Cards $10.00
-Subway $10.00
-Amazon $25.00
-One day OCTA Bus Passes
You can be given a donation receipt for your donation.
Learn more about Working Wardrobes: https://workingwardrobes.org/
We are not associated with Working Wardrobes.