Dr. Sondra Thiederman Presents| Unconscious Bias: How to Beat the Bias That Gets in Your Way

From August 11, 2020 6:00 pm until August 11, 2020 7:30 pm
Posted by Administrator
Categories: Chapter Meeting
Hits: 2623

Disclaimer: Registration will close on Sunday 8/8 11:59pm PST. You must register to get your Zoom link and password to the meeting. Don't miss out! This meeting will be recorded and may be used for promotional purposes.


There will be 2 OCSTC meetings for August. This is a special meeting sponsored by the OCSTC. Everyone is welcome to register and attend this event. At this meeting, we will dedicate our time to the presenter and will save our networking for the chapter meeting on 8/18. Register for that meeting here: OCSTC Chapter Meeting | Professor West Presents: Cybersecurity 101 . We encourage you to share this special event about unconscious bias with your friends and colleagues.

About the presentation

Title:  “Unconscious Bias: How to Beat the Bias That Gets in Your Way”

This involving program is designed to provide immediately-applicable skills for defeating the biases that interfere with both personal and professional success. Based on the conviction that biases don’t make us bad people – it’s what we do about them that matters – the presentation begins by laying the groundwork of what unconscious bias is (and what it isn’t) and then provides practical guidance on what to do about it.

Each attendee will get a free PDF copy of Dr. Thiederman's handbook “3 Keys to Defeating Unconscious Bias: Watch, Think, Act” 

About the speaker

Dr. Sondra Thiederman is one of the nation’s leading experts on unconscious bias and workplace inclusion issues. As President of Cross-Cultural Communications, a San Diego based training firm, Sondra has more than 25-years-experience as a speaker, trainer, and author helping dozens of companies find ways to successfully navigate our increasingly-diverse workplaces.  Among her clients have been AT&T, the Society of Woman Engineers, Northrop Grumman, Verizon Wireless, and QualComm Personal Electronics.

Since receiving her doctorate with an emphasis on cross-cultural studies from UCLA, Sondra has authored six books on diversity-related topics. Her most recent publications include  including: The Diversity and Inclusion Handbook and 3 Keys to Defeating Unconscious Bias: Watch, Think, Act.

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

website: www.thiederman.com

Meeting format

Join us virtually on Tuesday 8/11 at 6pm PST.

  • Brief annoucements and chapter news.
  • Speaker introduction.
  • Speaker's presentation (about 60 minutes)  with room for question and answers at the end of the presentation.

How to join

You'll need to register for this event before the deadline. This is a FREE meeting. The day before the meeting, you will get a Zoom meeting URL with a password emailed to you with the email that you registered with. 

Keeping your video on is optional but highly recommended.
Wearing earbuds or a headset is also highly recommended.

Visit Zoom.US to learn more about the video conferencing tool.