Fight Bias with Content Strategy: Using Mental Shortcuts for Good Instead of Evil

From September 15, 2020 6:00 pm until September 15, 2020 7:45 pm
Posted by Administrator
Categories: Chapter Meeting
Hits: 2364

Disclaimer: Registration will close on Sunday 9/13 11:59pm PST. You must register to get your Zoom link and password to the meeting. Don't miss out!

About the presentation

Users' minds take shortcuts to get through the day. Usually they’re harmless. Even helpful. But what happens when they’re not? In this talk I’ll use real-world examples to identify some particularly nasty biases that frequently lead users to make bad decisions. I'll then talk about some content strategy and design choices we can use in our apps, designs, and platforms to redirect or eliminate the impact of those biases. Finally, I'll explore our own biases as communicators and some methods to prevent our own blind spots from hurting users.

Estimated time of session: 45-50min (not including Q&A)

About the speaker

David Dylan Thomas, author of the book Design for Cognitive Bias from A Book Apart, serves as Content Strategy Advocate at Think Company and is the creator and host of the Cognitive Bias Podcast. He has developed digital strategies for major clients in entertainment, healthcare, publishing, finance, and retail. He has presented at TEDNYC, SXSW Interactive, Confab, LavaCon, UX Copenhagen, Artifact, IA Conference, Design and Content Conference, and the Wharton Web Conference on topics at the intersection of bias, design, and social justice.

David's website:

Order Design for Cognitive Bias


Meeting format

Join us virtually on Tuesday 9/15 at 6pm PST.

  • Brief annoucements and chapter news.
  • Introductions/networking/job postings
  • Speaker introduction (starts around 6:30pm)
  • Speaker's presentation (45 to 50 minutes with room for question and answers at the end of the presentation).

How to join

Register by selecting the Register or Join button at the top of this page near the presentation title. You'll need to register for this event before the deadline. This is a FREE meeting. The evening before the meeting, you will get a Zoom meeting URL with a password emailed to you with the email that you registered with. 

Keeping your video on is optional but highly recommended.
Wearing earbuds or a headset is also highly recommended.

Visit Zoom.US to learn more about the video conferencing tool.