Jack Molisani Presents "Using a Portfolio to Ace the Interview"

From June 15, 2021 6:00 pm until June 15, 2021 7:45 pm
Posted by Administrator
Categories: Chapter Meeting
Hits: 1407

Registration will close on Sunday 6/14 11:59pm. You must register before then to get your Zoom link and password to the meeting. Don't miss out! The link will be sent to you no later than the morning of the meeting.

About the virtual meeting 

Have you ever interviewed for a position you wanted, but didn't get? Chances are you didn't achieve the four critical steps needed to receive a job offer. In this workshop, bestselling author and professional recruiter Jack Molisani shows how a portfolio is not just a collection of writing samples—it is a tool you can use to control an interview and achieve specific objectives that result in a job offer.

Topics addressed include what to put in a portfolio, how to get things to put in your portfolio, and (most importantly) how to use your portfolio to ace a job interview.

Want to ace your next interview? Don’t miss our June meeting!

Optional: Grab your favorite drink for the meeting.


The meeting is free but any donations are appreciated. You may donate when you register via PayPal.

About the speaker

Jack Molisani is an STC Fellow, and the President of ProSpring Technical Staffing, an employment agency specializing in content professionals. He's also the author of Be The Captain of Your Career: A New Approach to Career Planning and Advancement, which hit #5 on Amazon's Career and Resume Best Seller list.

Follow Jack

Follow Jack on Twitter @JackMolisani, and connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackmolisani/

Note: Jack will raffle a free copy of his book at the end of the meeting, so stay to the end!

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you miss the registration deadline and we will do our best to add you to the meeting.

Meeting format

Join us virtually on Tuesday 6/15 at 6pm. Please note if there is a problem with joining the Zoom meeting, we will send everyone a new link via email immediately.

We'll keep things casual and do the following:

  • Networking with each other and learning about job opportunities.
  • Announcing chapter news.
  • Learning from our guest speaker with room for a Q & A at the end.
  • Having fun!

How to join

You'll need to register for this event before the deadline. This is a FREE meeting, but donations are welcome upon registering. The day before the meeting or the morning of, you will get a Zoom meeting URL with a password emailed to you with the email that you registered with. 

Video is optional but highly recommended.
Wearing earbuds or a headset is also highly recommended.

Visit Zoom.US to learn more about the video conferencing tool.