Ann Rockley presents "Task Mastery for Less Stress"

From June 18, 2024 6:00 pm until June 18, 2024 7:30 pm
Posted by Betsy Malone
Categories: Chapter Meeting
Hits: 895

When your workload exceeds your capacity, it can lead to anxiety, stress, and even burnout. Does your task list grow by the minute while your time and energy dwindle? Being busy is not a sign of productivity and success.

Ann shares her decades of experience juggling a very busy life with multiple weeks a month on the road and client 24/7 expectations of availability, with her expertise in stress and health management to help you master your task list, reduce your stress and increase your productivity.

This session helps you to reduce your to-do list without sacrificing your progress, leading to a less stressful daily life and a more satisfying professional work life.

In this session, you will learn how to

  • Prioritize wisely;
  • Assess the validity of new tasks;
  • Understand the art of refusal; and
  • Stop worrying about future tasks today.

About the speaker

Ann Rockley, CEO of The Rockley Group is known as the Mother of Content Strategy.

Ann simultaneously conquered both the professional world and chronic illness and left an indelible mark as an internationally recognized expert in content strategy. She was inducted into the Content Strategy Hall of Fame in 2023.  She has an international reputation for establishing the field in content strategy, content reuse, intelligent content strategies for multichannel delivery, and structured content management best practices. Ann introduced the concept of content strategy with her ground-breaking book, Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Content Strategy, now in its second edition. Ann is the creator of the concept of intelligent content and founded the Intelligent Content Conference now part of the Content Marketing Institute suite of conferences. She shared these concepts in Intelligent Content: A Primer.

Now after 32 years, Ann has made it her mission to help busy professionals to reduce stress, revitalize their health and take their career to the next level. She brings her lifetime of experience in managing her own health challenges and balancing it with the demands of life as a busy high-achiever. She inspires her clients to develop an approach that allows them to overcome health challenges while still boldly reaching for their career goals. Her unique approach has earned her a respected position amongst peers and those looking for health and career guidance from a powerful woman and exceptional mentor, who has walked the talk!


Pay what you can! The suggested donation is $10, but you're welcome to join us no matter what you contribute.

Meeting format

We'll keep things casual during this virtual event:

  • Network with each other and learning about job opportunities
  • Announce chapter news from OCSTC and surrounding chapters
  • Learn from our guest speaker with room for a Q&A at the end
  • Have fun!

How to join

You'll need to register through this event page before the deadline. The day before the meeting or the morning of, we'll send the Zoom meeting URL and password to the email address you used to register. 

Video is optional but encouraged. Wearing earbuds or a headset is also highly recommended.

Visit to learn more about the video conferencing tool.