Yesica Mirambeaux Presents Don’t Panic: How to Manage Scope Creep and Unresponsive SMEs

From March 08, 2022 6:00 pm until March 08, 2022 7:45 pm
Posted by Administrator
Categories: Chapter Meeting
Hits: 1712

Registration will close on Sunday 3/6 at 11:59pm. You must register before then to get your Zoom link and password to the meeting. Don't miss out! The link will be sent to you no later than the morning of the meeting.

About the virtual meeting 

You’re a technical writer — or you manage a team of, say, learning and development specialists. A key stakeholder asks you to complete a project by a certain date and you happily agree to do so. 

A few days in, you discover that you’re going to need to spend more time researching one topic — but that time wasn’t accounted for in the deadline you agreed to. 

Or (and/or!) you’re a week away from deadline and one or more of your SMEs still haven’t responded to your requests for information. Or they’ve responded, but poorly. You know that even if you do get all the information you need by this afternoon, you’re still going to have to work overtime for the next week (and weekend!) to complete your deliverables.

Sound familiar? If so — this is the session for you. Learn how to bring more transparency, clarity, and accountability to the projects you and/or your team take on. We’ll discuss how to set clear boundaries and communicate effectively with your SMEs and stakeholders, and share some supporting materials and best practices to help keep you and your projects stress-free. 

Session Takeaways

  • Learn how to set yourself up for success so you can anticipate common pitfalls related to scope creep and unresponsive SMEs

  • Find out how to respond proactively when forces outside of your control begin to affect your responsibilities and deliverables

  • Get access to best practices and supporting materials you can use to help you navigate your projects successfully


The meeting is free. 

About the speaker

Yesica Mirambeaux manages internal documentation at Twilio. She has spent years in the tech industry managing internal and external communications and
bringing order and clarity to a variety of flavors of corporate communications. She is passionate about learning tools to improve our lives, whether at work or in our personal realms (and savoring the intersection of both!) and sharing those tools with the people around her. When she’s not working, she’s writing poetry and the occasional flash fiction piece, making collages (digital and analog), and playing house music for anyone who cares to give a wiggle on a makeshift or legitimate dance floor.

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or if you miss the registration deadline and we will do our best to add you to the meeting.

Meeting format

Join us virtually on Tuesday, 3/8, at 6pm. Please note if there is a problem with joining the Zoom meeting, we will send everyone a new link via email immediately.

We'll keep things casual and do the following:

  • Networking with each other and learning about job opportunities.
  • Announcing chapter news.
  • Learning from our guest speaker with room for a Q & A at the end.
  • Having fun!

How to join

You'll need to register for this event before the deadline. The day before the meeting or the morning of, you will get a Zoom meeting URL with a password emailed to you with the email that you registered with. 

Video is optional but highly recommended.
Wearing earbuds or a headset is also highly recommended.

Visit Zoom.US to learn more about the video conferencing tool.