Bringing the Summit Home

From May 28, 6:00 pm until 7:45 pm
Posted by Betsy Malone
Categories: Chapter Meeting
Hits: 589

STC's annual conference—the Technical Communication Summit—attracts professional technical communicators and scholars from around the world. Jam packed with over 75 educational sessions, workshops, and networking events, the Summit is exhilarating, educational, and fun. The 2024 Summit is being held May 17–19 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Whether you were unable to attend the the Summit or you want to relive the experiences, you won't want to miss our May chapter meeting where we bring the Summit to you. Michael Opsteegh will facilitate a discussion with a panel of Summit attendees, who will share their most impactful takeaways, their favorite moments, and their suggestions for our home audience.


The format for this presentation is a panel discussion. the panelists, all long-time tech writers, will have a lively discussion about what they saw and heard at the Summit and recount some of their favorite moments.

John Clement

John ClementJohn Clement is a technical writer at L3Harris Technologies, volunteer in STC, and a recent graduate of the University of Central Florida. He has been a professional technical communicator since graduating in 2022 and at L3Harris he works on editing, writing, and reviewing technical documentation and procedures for hardware in the defense industry. In STC, he serves as the Student Outreach Director of the Community Affairs Committee (CAC), Secretary of the STC Florida Chapter, and as an alum volunteer with the Future Technical Communicators club at UCF.


Allison Gisinger

Allison GisingerAllison Gisinger is a seasoned Senior Technical Writer and UX Writer with over a decade of experience in technical writing, content design, and UX writing. She loves to mentor junior writers and network with other professionals in the field. This was her fifth STC Summit, which she loves for its opportunities for continuous learning and community engagement. Currently at Appian, she has been actively involved with the Society for Technical Communication (STC), having recently served as Secretary and Vice President of the Washington DC-Baltimore Chapter.


Jamye Sagan

Jamye SaganAs the Pharmacy Communication Advisor for H-E-B, Jamye helps design training programs and materials for various projects and initiatives within the pharmacy department. She also manages communications between the corporate office and the store pharmacies. Jamye currently serves as a Director on the STC Board of Directors and as chair of the Community Affairs Committee (CAC), which provides support to the chapters and SIGs. An Associate Fellow of STC, Jamye has served at the community and Society levels. When not making “sense out of the seemingly senseless” in the tech comm world, Jamye enjoys transforming yarn into pretty and useful objects. She lives in San Antonio, Texas.

Michael Opsteegh

Michael OpsteeghMichael Opsteegh has been a technical writer in the software and financial services industries since 2004. He is currently a senior technical writer for Eyefinity, which supports eyecare professionals with industry-leading software and services. He’s a lecturer in the professional writing program at California State University, Long Beach (Go Beach!). He is also a Certified Technical Professional Communicator - Expert (CPTC), and he's a past president of OCSTC.






Pay what you can! The suggested donation is $10, but you're welcome to join us no matter what you contribute.

Meeting format

We'll keep things casual during this virtual event:

  • Network with each other and learning about job opportunities
  • Announce chapter news from OCSTC and surrounding chapters
  • Learn from our guest speaker with room for a Q&A at the end
  • Have fun!

How to join

You'll need to register for this event before the deadline. The day before the meeting or the morning of, you will get a Zoom meeting URL with a password emailed to the email address you used to register. 

Video is optional but encouraged.
Wearing earbuds or a headset is also highly recommended.

Visit to learn more about the video conferencing tool.